LipidSig: a web-based tool for lipidomic data analysis

Network analysis

Reactome pathway

Our platform constructs two types of networks for users to investigate the lipid metabolism pathways and lipid-related gene enrichment. The ‘Reactome Network’ contains the interaction of multiple lipids and genes and are summarized from the Reactome database, which is a curated database encompassed pathways and reactions in human biology. This function supports users to discover the metabolic networks between small molecules within Reactome Network topologies and their interactions with proteins. We integrated the reactions in these pathways and explore the metabolic flow and regulatory proteins of the inputted lipids. This information will be used to build an interactive network containing different nodes such as Biochemical Reaction, Small Molecule, Protein or Complex.

Lipid-related gene enrichment

By summarising the pathways from KEGG, Reactome, and GO databases, we present the functions networks of the user-defined lipid-related gene sets. The mapped genes of the user-selected lipid class will be enriched and illustrated in the circular network diagram, which allows users explore the significant functions and the relationship between lipid-related pathways and genes based on their lipid classes.

Reactome network



Lipid-related gene enrichment

